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Песни пиратов

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Здесь публикуются подлинные старые морские песни и баллады. "Новоделу" и вымышленным песням (типа "Пятнадцати мертвецам") здесь не место. Я стараюсь привести не только текст оригинала, но также (по возможности) историческую справку и перевод.

Английская матросская песня - на сегодня это, пожалуй, одна из наиболее древних европейских морских песен, датируется временем правления английского короля Генриха VI (1421-1471). Название песни до нас не дошло. Песня о корабле с пилигриммами из Сэндвича, Винчэлси (ныне - Винчестер) и Бристоу (ныне - Бристоль), совершившем путешествие в Сантьяго де Компостелла.
Здесь приведен английский текст по сборнику "Early Naval Ballads of England" 1841-го года, в квадратных скобках приведена смысловая коррекция со староанглийского. Если кто-то захочет сделать русский перевод - милости просим!

Anon the master commandeth fast
To his ship-men in all the hast[e],
To dresse them [line up] soon about the mast
Their takeling to make.
With -Howe! Hissa!- then they cry,
'What howe! mate thou standest too nigh,
Thy fellow may not haul thee by:
Thus they begin to crake [shout].
A boy or twain anon up-steyn [go aloft]
And overthwart the sayle-yerde leyn [lie]
-Y-how! taylia! - the remnant cryen [cry]
And pull with all their might.
Bestow the boat, boat-swain, anon,
That our pylgrymms may play thereon;
For some are like to cough and groan
Ere it be full midnight.
Haul the bowline! Now veer the sheet;
Cook, make ready anon our meat!
Our pylgrymms have no lust to eat:
I pray God give them rest.
Go to the helm! What ho! no neare[r]!
Steward, fellow! a pot of beer!
Ye shall have, Sir, with good cheer,
Anon all of the best.
-Y-howe! Trussa! - Haul in the brailes!
Thou haulest not! By God, thou failes[t]
O see how well our good ship sails!
And thus they say among.
* * * * *
Thys meane'whyle the pylgrymms lie,
And have their bowls all fast them by,
And cry after hot malvesy -
'Their health for to restore.'
* * * * *
Some lay their bookys on their knee,
And read so long they cannot see.
'Alas! mine head will split in three!'
Thus sayeth one poor wight.
* * * * *
A sack of straw were there right good;
For some must lay them in their hood:
I had as lief be in the wood,
Without or meat or drink!
For when that we shall go to bed,
The pump is nigh our beddes head:
A man he were as good be dead
As smell thereof the stynke!

"Морская песня капитана Варда, знаменитого пирата во всем мире, урожденного англичанина" (The Seamansfong of Captain Ward, the famous Pyrate of the world and an Enlglish man born) - старая английская баллада, датируемая 1609 годом. Пятнадцать шестистрочий порицают Джона Варда, англичанина на берберской корсарской службе, прославившегося весьма удачными рейдами против христианских кораблей. В балладе Вард изображен отрицательным во всех отношениях человеком, богоотступником, прожигающим свою жизнь в пьянстве и разврате.
Здесь приведен английский вариант, если кто-то захочет сделать русский перевод - милости просим!

Gallants you must understand
Captain Ward of England.
a Pyrate and a Rover on the Sea
Of late a simple Fisherman
In the merry town of Feversham,
grows famous in the world now every day,
From the bay of Plymouth
Sailed he toward the south
with many more of courage and of might:
Christian princes have but few
Such seamen, if that be were true,
and would but for his King & Country fight,
Lusty Ward adventrously,
In the Straits of Barbary,
did make the Turkish Galleys fore to shake
Bouncing canons firey hot
Spared not the Turks one jot,
but of their lives great slaughter he did make
The Islanders of Malta
With Argosies upon the Sea
most proudly braved Ward unto his face
But upon their pride was overthrown
and their treasures made his own
and all their men brought to a woeful case.
The wealthy ships of Venice
Afforded him great riches;
both gold and silver he won with his sword
Stately Spain and Portugal
against him dare not bare not bear up sail,
but gave him all the title of Lord.
Golden seated Candy,
Famous France and Italy,
with all the countries of the Eastern parts,
If once their ships his prize withstood,
They surely all were clothed in blood
Such cruelty was placed within their hearts.
The riches he hath gained
And by bloodshed obtained
may well suffice for to maintain a King:
His fellows are all valiant wights,
Fit to be made Princes Knights,
but that their lives do base dishonours bring.
This wicked gotten treasure
Doth him but little pleasure,
the land consumes what they got by sea.
In drunkeness and letchery,
filthy sins of Sodomy.
The evil gotten goods to wash away.
Such as live by theiving,
Hath seldom times good ending,
as by the deeds of Captain Ward is shown.
Being drunk among his drabs,
His nearest friends he sometimes stabs,
such wickedness within his heart is grown.
When stormy tempest riseth,
The causer he despiseth,
and still denies to pray unto the Lord:
He feared neither God nor the Devil,
His deeds are bad, his thoughts are evil,
his only trust is still upon his sword.
Men of his own country,
he will abused vilely,
some back to back are cast into the waves.
Some are hewn in pieces small,
Some are shot against a wall,
a slender number of her lives he saves.
Of truth it is reported,
That he is strongly guarded,
by Turks, that are not of good belief.
Wit and reason tells them,
He trusteth not his countrymen,
but shows the right condition of a thief.
At Tunis in Barbary,
now he buildeth stately,
a gallant Palace, and a Royal place,
Deckedwith delights most trim,
Fitter for a Prince then him,
the which at last will prove his disgrace,
To make the world to wonder,
This Captain is Commander,
of four and twenty ships of sail,
To bring in treasures from the sea,
Into the markets every way,
the which the Turks do buy up without fail,
His name and state so mounteth,
These Country men accounteth,
him equal to the Nobles of that Land,
But these his honours we shall end
shortly blown up with the wind,
or prove like letters written in sand

Морская песнь Дансекара Голландца, о его грабежах на море" (Seaman's Song of Danseker the Dutchman, His Robberies Done at Sea) - старая английская баллада, датируемая 1609 годом.
Песнь посвящена голландцу Симону Симонсону по прозвищу "Танцор". Симонсон оригинален тем, что будучи христианином, состоял на берберской службе и корсарствовал во славу Алжира.Часто эта песнь исполнялась как вторая часть Морской песни капитана Варда. Здесь приводится английский вариант, если у кого-то возникнет желание перевести на русский - присылайте!

Sing we now and than
Of Danseker the Dutchman,
whose gallant mind has won him great renown
To live on land he counts it safe,
But seeks to purchase greater grace
by roving on the Ocean up and down.
His heart is so aspiring,
That now his chief desiring,
is for to win himself a worthy name,
The Land has far too little ground,
The idea is of a larger bound,
and of a greater dignity and fame.
Now many a worthy gallant,
Of courage now most valiant,
with him hath put their fortunes to the sea,
As the world about have heard
Of Densekar and English Ward,
and of their proud adventures every day.
There is not any Kingdom
In Turkey or in Christendom,
but by these pyrates have received loss:
Merchant men of every Land
Do daily in great danger stand,
and fear do much the Ocean main to cross.
They make Children fatherless,
Woeful widows in distress,
in shedding blood they took much delight,
Fathers they bereave of sons,
Regarding neither cries nor moans,
so much they joy to see a bloody fight.
They count it gallant bearing,
To hear the canons roaring,
and Musket shot to rattle in the sky:
Their gloates would be of the biggest,
To fight against the foes of Christ
and such as do our Christian faith deny.
But their cursed villainies,
And their bloody piracies,
are chiefly bent against our Christian friends
Some Christians so delight in evils
That they become the sons of Devils,
and for the same have many (?)warneful ends.
England suffers danger,
As well as any stranger,
Nations are alike unto this company,
Many English merchant men,
And of London now and then,
have tasted of their vile extremity.
London's Elizabeth
Of late these Rovers taken have
a ship well laden with merchandise,
The nimble Pearl and Charity
All ships of gallant bravery,
are by these Pyrates made a lawful prize.
The Trojan of London
With other ships many a one,
have stooped sail and (? yielded out of hand,
These pyrates they have shed their blood,
And the Turks have bought their goods
being all too weak their power to withstand.
Of Hull and Bonaventer,
Which was a great frequenter,
and passer of the straits to Barbary:
Both ship and men late taken were,
By Pyrates Ward and Dansekar
and brought by them into captivity.
English Ward and Dansekar,
Begin now to jar,
about dividing of their gotten goods,
Both ships and soldiers gather head,
Dansekar from Ward is fled,
so full of pride and malice are their bloods.
Ward does only promise,
To keep about rich Tunis,
and be Commander of those Turkish Seas,
But valiant Dutch-land Dansekar,
Doth hover near unto Angier,
and there his threatening colours now displays.
These Pyrates thus divided
By God is sure provided,
in secret sort(?) to work each others woe,
Such Wicked courses cannot stand,
The Devil thus puts in his hand,
And God will give them soon an overthrow

"Прощание капитана Кидда с морями" (Captain Kidd's Farewel to the Seas) - довольно старая английская баллада, предположительно датируется 1701 годом. Автор неизвестен.
В балладе излагается исповедь капитана Кидда у виселицы, его ханжеское расскаяние и предостережение другим. Первый вариант баллады был опубликован в день казни Кидда. Автор баллады преувеличивает злодеяния Кидда, приписывая ему захват большого количества судов.
В течение двух столетий баллада была весьма популярна в Америке, часто переиздавалась и исполнялась. Со временем все 25 четверостиший претерпели значительные изменения, тон ее стал более мрачным. В итоге она превратилась в ужасные стенания душ грешников.

Вот отрывок из изначального варианта этой баллады на языке оригинала:
My name was Captain Kidd, when I sail'd, when I sail'd,
And so wickedly I did, God's laws I did forbid,
When I sail'd, when I sail'd.
I roam'd from sound to sound, And many a ship I found
And them I sunk or burn'd. When I sail'd.
I murder'd William Moore, And laid him in his gore,
Not many leagues from shore, When I sail'd.
Farewell to young and old, All jolly seamen bold,
You're welcome to my gold, For I must die, I must die.
Farewell to Lunnon town, The pretty girls all round,
No pardon can be found, and I must die, I must die,
Farewell, for I must die. Then to eternity, in hideous misery,
I must lie, I must lie.
А вот один из довольно поздних вариантов:
My name is Captain Kid, who has sailed, who has sailed,
My name is Captain Kid, who has sailed.
My name is Captain Kid;
What the laws did still forbid
Unluckily I did while I sailed, while I sailed.
Upon the ocean wide, when I sailed, etc.,
Upon the ocean wide, when I sailed,
Upon the ocean wide
I robbed on every side
With most ambitious pride, when I sailed, etc.
My faults I will display, while I sailed, etc.,
My faults I will display, while I sailed.
My faults I will display,
Committed day by day.
[Damnation is my lot, as I sailed,] etc.
Many long leagues from shore, when I sailed, etc.,
Many long leagues from shore, when I sailed;
Many long leagues from shore
I murdered William Moore,
And laid him in his gore, when I sailed, etc.
Because a word he spoke, when I sailed, etc.,
Because a word I spoke, when I sailed;
Because a word he spoke
I with a bucket broke
His skull at one sad stroke, while I sailed, etc.
I struck with a good will, when I sailed, etc.,
I struck with a good will, when I sailed;
I struck with a good will,
And did a gunner kill,
As being cruel still, when I sailed, etc.
A Quida merchant then, while I sailed, etc.,
A Quida merchant then, while I sailed;
A Quida merchant then
I robbed of hundreds ten,
Assisted by my men, while I sailed, etc.
A banker's ship of France, while I sailed, etc.,
A banker's ship of France, while I sailed;
A banker's ship of France
Before us did advance.
I seiz-ed her by chance, while I sailed, etc.
Full fourteen ships I see, when I sailed, etc.,
Full fourteen ships I see, when I sailed;
Full fourteen ships I see,
Merchants of high degree.
They were too hard for me, when I sailed, etc.
We steered from sound to sound, while we sailed, etc.,
We steered from sound to sound, while we sailed;
We steered from sound to sound,
A Moorish ship we found.
Her men we stripped and bound, while we sailed, etc.
Upon the ocean seas while we sailed, etc.,
Upon the ocean seas while we sailed,
Upon the ocean seas
A warlike Portuguese
In sport did us displease, while we sailed, etc.
At famous Malabar when we sailed, etc.,
At famous Malabar when we sailed,
At famous Malabar
We went ashore, each tar,
And robbed the natives there, when we sailed, etc.
Then after this we chased, while we sailed, etc.,
Then after this we chased, while we sailed,
Then after this we chased
A rich Armenian, graced
With wealth, which we embraced, while we sailed, etc.
Many Moorish ships we took while we sailed, etc.,
Many Moorish ships we took while we sailed,
Many Moorish ships we took;
We did still for plunder look.
All conscience we forsook while we sailed, etc.
I, Captain Cullifoord, while I sailed, etc.,
I, Captain Cullifoord, while I sailed,
I, Captain Cullifoord,
Did many merchants board,
Which did much wealth afford, while we sailed, etc.
Two hundred bars of gold, while we sailed, etc.,
Two hundred bars of gold, while we sailed,
Two hundred bars of gold
And rich dollars manifold
We seiz-ed uncontrolled, while we sailed, etc.
St John, a ship of fame, when we sailed, etc.,
St John, a ship of fame, when we sailed,
St John, a ship of fame,
We plundered when she came,
With more that I could name, when we sailed, etc.
We taken was at last, and must die, etc.,
We taken was at last, and must die,
We taken was at last
And into prison cast.
Now, sentence being passed, we must die, etc.
Though we have reigned awhile, we must die, etc.,
Though we have reigned awhile, we must die,
Though we have reigned awhile,
While fortune seemed to smile,
Now on the British Isle we must die, etc.
Farewell the ocean main, we must die, etc.,
Farewell the ocean main, we must die,
Farewell the ocean main;
The coast of France or Spain
We ne'er shall see again. We must die, etc.
From Newgate now in carts we must go, etc.,
[From Newgate now in carts we must go],
From Newgate now in carts
With sad and heavy hearts
To have our due deserts we must go, etc.
Some thousands they will flock when we die, etc.,
Some thousands they wi!l flock when we die,
Some thousands they will flock
To Execution Dock,
Where we must stand the shock and must die, etc.









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